Initial TVAlertsManager Extension Setup
Setting up TVAlertsManager to access the Google Spreadsheet.
First-Time accessing TVAlertsManager
Step 1: Navigate the browser to a TradingView chart, open the TVAlertsManager extension by clicking on the TVAlertsManager icon on the Address-bar. On the first-time clicking on TVAlertsManager after installing the Chrome extension, users are prompted asking to optionally activate the Free Trial as can be seen below:
Users can choose to immediately start the Trial 14-day offer or skip the Trial. It is possible to activate the free 14-day trial later.
Clicking on the button 'Start Trial' button activates the 14-day trial and will show a confirmation pop-up as seen below:
If the 14-day trial has been started, click on the 'Close' button to continue setting up TVAlertsManager.
Note: This will also hide the TVAlertsManager pop-up.
If the free 14-day trial is not wanted at this time, click on the 'Skip Trial' button.
Connecting TVAlertsManager to the Google spreadsheet:
To enter the Google spreadsheet details into TVAlertsManager, click on 'Setting' tab.
During the 'Google Spreadsheet Prerequisite' instructions while viewing the Google Drive Sharing pop-up, the step detailed clicking the 'Copy Link' button and suggested pasting this into a notepad. If this copied URL is not present in the clip-board, please go back to that step and copy the link to the clip-board.
Step 1: Navigate the browser to a TradingView chart, open the TVAlertsManager extension by clicking on the TVAlertsManager icon on the Address-bar, then click on the 'Setting' tab as shown below:
On the Settings page, click in the 'Google spreadsheet ID for saving alerts' text-box and paste the Google Shared-link copied into the clipboard earlier.
Please note: The "Use same Google spreadsheet ID for saving and loading alerts?" is by default checked. Only if users want to work off different spreadsheets for saving and loading should this check-mark can be unchecked. For new users we recommend leaving the "Use same Google spreadsheet ID for saving and loading alerts?" at the default setting (checked).
Step 2: Click in the text-box labelled 'The name of the sheet for saving alerts'. Upon clicking away from the 'Google spreadsheet ID for saving alerts' text-box, TVAlerts Manager attempts to connect to the Google Sheet to check access.
When access is working correctly (any user with the URL has access), TVAlertsManager will update the display stating "Access to the spreadsheet is verified."
If there is any issue at this time as indicated by a red warning message below the text-box, please re-check the Google Spreadsheet sharing permissions are set correctly and refer to the instructions in the prior 'Google Spreadsheet Prerequisite' found within the 'Installation Requirements' section.
An example error for incorrect permissions is shown below for reference.
If access to the Google spreadsheet was successful, for a new installation of TVAlertsManager, it is automatically activated with a 14-day free Premium trial which after expiry will fall-back to the Free-plan. Details of the subscription benefits and the Free-plan functionality can be found in the next section "TVAlertsManager Subscriptions".
We recommend reading the "TVAlertsManager Subscriptions" page before attempting to use TVAlertsManager as certain limitations will be enforced after the 14-day trail period expires.
When access is working, click into the 'Name of the Google Spreadsheet' text-box then type in the name of the Google Spreadsheet sheet TVAlertsManaaer will use. In this guide the label used was 'TVAlerts'.
Below the Google Spreadsheet settings page is filled in. The last step is to click outside of the 'The name of the sheet for saving alerts' text-box. It is suggested to click on the top read-only text-box 'Your TradingView ID' so the extension window does not hide if clicking outside of the extension pop-up area.
After a few seconds the display should update as per the example below:
Congratulations, TVAlertsManager is now ready for use.
Last updated